仮設: 以免娯楽発生,私達可在之前死去
Assumption: Lest The Amusement Happen, We Can Go Die Before
カル シャオ Karu Shao
2022年4月9日(土)-5月2日(月) 12:00-19:00 水曜休廊
April 9 - May 2, 2022 12:00-19:00 closed on Wednesday
Creating unique visual composition by piling up multiple layers with the simplest combination of color and shapes. Expressing the term Depth of Illusion in the flat surface and remain the abstract painting in abstract. The goal is to propel the audience to communicate with themselves when they are paying attention to the painting.
カル シャオ / Karu Shao
2018年米国University Of Miami‧美術専攻絵画科修了。
作品は銀座蔦屋書店、山影堂、CICA美術館、上海展示センター、東京都立美術館、国立新美術館、北京時代美術館、Miami Wynwood Galleryなどで開催された展示会に参加したことがある。
Karu Shao is a Tokyo/Shanghai-based contemporary artist with cross-culture background. Her art works have been exhibited worldwide in galleries & museums including Museum Of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Times Art Museum Beijing, Shanghai Exhibition Center, Czong Institution For Contemporary Art Korea, Three Shadow, and Tsutaya Book Shop Ginza.